Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wanted: Women Randonneurs! Won: Equal Rights!

Coming soon is a post dedicated to women randonneurs in the voices of...women randonneurs. I've got one woman who has stepped up and offered her thoughts about such topics as Why aren't there more women randonneurs? and How did you get involved in randonneuring? Others have also committed to speak up.

If you are a woman randonneur, or know one, check in so I can include you in our interview (you can reach me by email by following the link in my profile). Even my wife (posting here as DartreDame), a very brand new randonneur, will present her newbie views, so don't be shy. Women randonneurs, express yourselves equally!

Speaking of equality, my own Washington State just approved Referendum 71, legislation that conveys equal rights to same sex domestic partners and some senior opposite sex domestic partners. Equality for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer couples!

The rights covered by the law include rights in the realms of: labor and employment law; pension, survivor and public employee benefits; family law; insurance practices; higher education; banking, financial institutions and loan agencies; consumer credit and business licensing. For the Associated Press account of the Referendum's passing, go here.

Washington State is the first state where the voters expanded GLBTQ rights in a statewide referendum.

Keep it more than equal, keep it loving,


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